Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Muslim and Chinese taking over as Russia dies

RUSSIA could be an Islamic nation in 30 years time according to Joseph A. D’Agostino of the Population Research Institute. “With birth, death, and emigration rates the way they are, it is highly plausible that Russia could be majority Muslim by 2040,” said the US researcher. Last year the country’s top Muslim leader claimed that of the country’s 143 million inhabitants 27 million, or almost one in five, were Muslim. The population of Russia has fallen by 5 million in the past 15 years, and is now declining at the rate of 700,000 per year. And it is principally Muslim families that are having children. A staggering 7 out of 10 unborn children in the country are killed each year by abortion. “Middle Eastern money has been pouring into Russia to fortify Islam,” said D’Agostino. “In 1990, there were 500 mosques in Russia. Now, there are 5,000.” Meanwhile, the Chinese are moving into eastern Russia, where many of the nation’s natural resources lie. Up to 5 million have settled in the region, which has only 15 million Russian inhabitants. China’s fast-growing economy needs ever more raw material, including oil. Taking control of Siberia from a declining Russia could go a long way towards making China a superpower.

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