Tuesday, October 02, 2007

questions and comments please

Well I just finished the next two weeks of posts for this blog on this very important subject. I want to invite you to ask questions and make comments. I will do my best to answer any that I can.

I truly love people and want to help them. This is the plan that we followed in Peru.

This is in my opinion true Church Discipline. If possible you want to take care of it long before it gets to the church and to gain our brother. If it can not be taken care of before then that will just be a painful procedure that we are bound to follow but.

Let's go love our people and see what we can do to help them.

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Tony Godzwa said...

Bro. Austin,

What would be your suggestion to this scenario? When you have heard from two or more witnesses about a church member being in sin and you go to that person and try to talk to him/her about their problem as a friend and all they want to do is point fingers at others. When do you draw the line and stop talking to that person as a brother in Christ and talk to that person as a Pastor and bring a witness?

Austin Gardner said...

Tony, thank you so much for your comment and I hope that others get involved with us also in this discussion. I believe that this is a good topic for missionaries and pastors to consider.

Now in answer to your question: When I got to the person I would say something like. This is what I heard and I wanted to get your opinion on it. If they then began to point fingers and refused to get to the point I would be more direct in that meeting. I would say--wait a minute. We can talk about others in a minute but right now I really need you to answer this question!

If they still refused to answer then even that first time for the very next time I would take my witnesses. I would not really be talking to him like just a brother-- I would be very direct.

If he will not listen to me then I will have to proceed to the other step.

I have found that people will respond if you stay on subject and do not back away. Be firm but loving.

When they haven't I have just kept producing evidence until they caved.

Occasionally they have not been willing to admit their sin and it has had to proceed to the next level.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm wondering if the Tony Godzwa that left a comment here is the same Tony Godzwa that graduated from Strong Vincent High School in Erie, PA - 1989. I'm trying to locate him for planning our 20 year reunion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Smith

Austin Gardner said...

I forwarded your post to Tony and guess that he will be in touch with you if he is the one

I am in Bolivia and so will not see or talk to him for a while