Monday, December 03, 2007

Missionary Agreement Form 13

Well I have been in South Africa visiting our missionary Kevin Hall and so I have not been able to keep up with these posts but we are back at it. I truly believe that there is a great deal that can be learned from reading, thinking, and studying what these great men did in the past. All of it might not be relevant to your ministry but it can sure help us to do a better job.

Ninthly. It becomes us also to labour with all our might in forwarding translations of the sacred Scriptures in the languages of Hindoostan. The help which God has afforded us already in this work is a loud call to us to "go forward." So far, therefore, as God has qualified us to learn those languages which are necessary, we consider it our bounden duty to apply with unwearied assiduity in acquiring them. We consider the publication of the Divine Word throughout India as an object which we ought never to give up till accomplished, looking to the Fountain of all knowledge and strength to qualify us for this great work, and to carry us through it to the praise of His Holy Name.

Every missionary better believe in the power of the Word of God. We have nothing else to give them. The last thing that they need is the philosophy of the United States. We obviously even as a culture have not done much to promote the name of Jesus Christ and bring our culture to His feet. The prosperity gospel may work in the USA but it has little chance overseas where poverty and death are so rampant. Let us give them the Word.

I high lighted several things that I certainly hope you notice. They had to learn the language no matter what it cost! Do not settle for a half hearted knowledge of the language. You will be studying and learning until the day you die.

Do all in your power to get the gospel to the world and by that I mean the Word of God. We are to study it, teach it, preach it, live it. The Word of God is our life, it is all we have and all we are.

Vision Baptist Church on the Northside of Atlanta is committed to just this truth. We must preach the Bible, verse by verse. We are loving it! It is amazing how the truths of God's Word are already relevant. As we study the Bible these truths apply right now to our society and where we live.

I invite you to follow Vision News to keep up with what God is doing in our church.

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