Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Missionary Agreement Form 14

There is so much to learn from this agreement and I hope that you will go back to the very first post on this subject and follow all of the notes to really understand better how we can serve God on the mission field of the world.

It becomes us to use all assiduity in explaining and distributing the Divine Word on all occasions, and by every means in our power to excite the attention and the reverence of the natives towards it, as the fountain of eternal truth and the Message of Salvation to men. It is our duty also to distribute, as extensively as possible, the different religious tracts which are published. Considering how much the general diffusion of the knowledge of Christ depends upon a liberal and constant distribution of the Word, and of these tracts, all over the country, we should keep this continually in mind, and watch all opportunities of putting even single tracts into the hands of those persons with whom we occasionally meet. We should endeavour to ascertain where large assemblies of the natives are to be found, that we may attend upon them, and gladden whole villages at once with the tidings of salvation.

What wonderful and powerful truths and a great to do list we find here:

1. We need to give all effort possible to the explaining and distributing of the Divine Word. What are you doing right now to explain the word of God to as many and as many times as you can. What are you doing to get the word of God into their hands. It is alive and powerful. It will do its job.

2. Let's get the Bible to as many people as possible. I am afraid that we do not realize the power of the word. If we but get it to them it will do a work in their lives.

3. Find the crowds and get the Bible to them. Find where the people are--go to them and get the word to them.

At Vision Baptist Church I am motivated to see how to put as much of this as possible to work. Even in America people do not read the Word of God and so much preaching today is philosophy and not Bible. I want to see how I can go about getting the Word into their hearts and lives. Keep up with what God is doing with us over at Vision News.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the first time that I saw this discussion. I went back and read 1-14. Thanks for posting it. It has been a great help. I have seen way to many missionaries come over here and think they know it all. They won't learn and listen from the people. I saw one missionary, who is fresh out of Bible college, trying to tell a national pastor(who has been in the ministry for over 20 years) what to do. That makes me sick. The most effective way to communicate the message of Jesus is to first learn how to communicate with the people. You won't learn this in the house, with other Americans and most of the time you can't learn this from other missionaries, because they don't know much themselves. Don't accept that American culture is the best and only way. It would amaze you at how brilliant these people are. I have heard people say that these people are dumb and can't learn. If you call knowing 6-7 different languages dumb, well I guess you are entitled to your opinion. The time that I spend with the people and the way that I love them will enable the work to grow and proper. I better quit, but thanks again.
Keith Shumaker