Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Missionary Agreement Form 5

Fourthly. It becomes us to watch all opportunities of doing good. A missionary would be highly culpable if he contented himself with preaching two or three times a week to those persons whom he might be able to get together into a place of worship. To carry on conversations with the natives almost every hour in the day, to go from village to village, from market to market, from one assembly to another, to talk to servants, labourers, etc., as often as opportunity offers, and to be instant in season and out of season — this is the life to which we are called in this country. We are apt to relax in these active exertions, especially in a warm climate; but we shall do well always to fix it in our minds, that life is short, that all around us are perishing, and that we incur a dreadful woe if we proclaim not the glad tidings of salvation.

Let us try to find ways to do good! I think that is a great comment. I was also impressed that they were going to look for ways to get out and talk to people as much as possible. They would not settle for preaching 2 or 3 times a week they wanted to be out in the community reaching people with the message of Jesus Christ.

This helps me where I am as a pastor right now in Vision. I need to be in touch with people. I need to be sharing the gospel message. I need to find more ways to get into my community. I hope you will pray for me as I seek out more ways to reach people.

Thank you all for your reading and especially those of you that are taking the time to make comments. I would love to hear your opinions.

Vision News

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