Saturday, November 17, 2007

Missionary Agreement Form 8

Seventhly. Another important part of our work is to build up, and watch over, the souls that may be gathered. In this work we shall do well to simplify our first instructions as much as possible, and to press the great principles of the Gospel upon the minds of the converts till they be thoroughly settled and grounded in the foundation of their hope towards God. We must be willing to spend some time with them daily, if possible, in this work. We must have much patience with them, though they may grow very slowly in divine knowledge.

This seventh point is made up of several paragraphs. We will divide it into two posts so you can watch for the next section tomorrow. Notice in this paragraph that they are thinking of how important it is to watch over their new disciples and then to instruct them well. We must start out simply. There is no need to try and impress them with our great knowledge or to use words and ideas that they are not ready for yet. Break it down. Bring them along. They will grow and learn. God will build them.

Notice the importance of spending time with them--even daily. It takes a lot to get them to grow. That is one of the reasons that I personally am not

We ought also to endeavour as much as possible to form them to habits of industry, and assist them in procuring such employments as may be pursued with the least danger of temptations to evil. Here too we shall have occasion to exercise much tenderness and forbearance, knowing that industrious habits are formed with difficulty by all heathen nations. We ought also to remember that these persons have made no common sacrifices in renouncing their connections, their homes, their former situations and means of support, and that it will be very difficult for them to procure employment with heathen masters. In these ircumstances, if we do not sympathize with them in their temporal losses for Christ, we shall be guilty of great cruelty.

They were concerned that they needed to find the right kind of work for their people. They felt like they might not be hard workers on their own. I am not sure how much of this applies today but in certain countries and cultures I am sure that it is still the case.

I do strongly identify with the thought that many of them might loose money, jobs, etc because of their following Jesus Christ. We must sympathize with them. We must hurt with them. We can not be selfish of the great resources that God has placed in our hands.

As we consider it our duty to honour the civil magistrate, and in every state and country to render him the readiest obedience, whether we be persecuted or protected, it becomes us to instruct our native brethren in the same principles. A sense of gratitude too presses this obligation upon us in a peculiar manner in return for the liberal protection we have experienced. It is equally our wisdom and our duty also to show to the civil power, that it has nothing to fear from the progress of Missions, since a real follower of Christ must resist the example of his Great Master, and all the precepts the Bible contains on this subject, before he can become disloyal. Converted heathens, being brought over to the religion of their Christian Governors, if duly instructed, are much more likely to love them, and be united to them, than subjects of a different religion.

As much as possible we must obey and respect the laws of our country. Of course in countries where the law does not allow us to worship and serve God will be responsible to the higher law of God. We still ought never to be disrespectful of their country and they should know that in every way we can we will do what the government expects as long as it does not hinder the free exercise of our faith.

To bear the faults of our native brethren, so as to reprove them with tenderness, and set them right in the necessity of a holy conversation, is a very necessary duty. We should remember the gross darkness in which they were so lately involved, having never had any just and adequate ideas of the evil of sin, or its consequences. We should also recollect how backward human nature is in forming spiritual ideas, and entering upon a holy self-denying conversation. We ought not, therefore, even after many falls, to give up and cast away a relapsed convert while he manifests the least inclination to be washed from his filthiness.

What a wonderful paragraph. They are to be dealt with in tenderness. They have not heard of the truth. It is all new to them. We are to not just throw them away. We are to seek out and see what can be done to love them and help them continue to come back and serve God until they reach maturity.

I strongly believe that there are no "no deposit, no return" people. Invest in them. Love them. Continue to help them until they become all that God meant for them to be.

Vision News
Vision Baptist Church


Unknown said...

That is so true Bro. Austin.I had a person ask me one time, "When do you know it's time to give up on them?" I said, "Think of it like this, when do you tell your child that is trying to learn to walk, OK, that's enough, you've tried but you're never gonna get it, I am finished helping you."

For Deaf Souls,
Bro. Shane

Austin Gardner said...

The following is a comment from a friend who serves in China.

Loved this part. About every other day I want to bang my head against a wall, because I can't figure out what it will take to get people to serve God. This segment is an awesome reminder of the demeanor and persistence of a good discipler. I have to remember how long it took me to learn the things that I think are so basic now. How long I lived in gross disregard to Jesus' commands. I think what he is saying is that when we are most frustrated with our disciples, the root of our
problem is often found in our unwillingness to spend and be spent on their behalf. Ouch.

Austin Gardner said...

Shane thank you for your comments. I am so excited to see the interest among God's people to get the gospel to the world. He has a great plan for our lives and I know that we are going to see a harvest of souls. Keep up the good work. I am praying for you.

Also to my friend in China. I am so glad that you are able to be back on line and to see your comment. I am proud of the work that we see God doing there. I am excited to see the gospel being preached and the Bible being practices. Keep up the good work.