Saturday, November 17, 2007

Missionary Agreement Form 7

Sixthly. It is absolutely necessary that the natives should have an entire confidence in us, and feel quite at home in our company. To gain this confidence we must on all occasions be willing to hear their complaints; we must give them the kindest advice, and we must decide upon everything brought before us in the most open, upright and impartial manner. We ought to be easy of access, to condescend to them as much as possible, and on all occasions to treat them as our equals. All passionate behaviour will sink our characters exceedingly in their estimation. All force, and everything haughty, reserved and forbidding, it becomes us ever to shun with the greatest care. We can never make sacrifices too great, when the eternal salvation of souls is the object, except, indeed, we sacrifice the commands of Christ.

What a powerful paragraph. Notice the bold print. They must feel comfortable around us. They have to feel at home with us. We must be careful that what we do is adapt to their country and their culture.

We must be careful to always give them good advice. We should never be condescending. We should never act as though our country or our ways of doing things are better unless it is a Biblical precept.

They must be treated as equals. I do not know how many times over the years I heard that discussed by Peruvian believers. Many times we are quite rude to them.

I hope that each of these paragraphs will sink in and God will use them to help us all to reach people better and to be more successful at getting the gospel to our people.

Vision News
Vision Baptist Church

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